Once the book “Hope” (Nádej) written by Renáta Ráchelová has been published I began again tempted to know more about the hypnosis and using it in practise. I had read some books about that some time ago and therefore I wished to meet the person who has been really dealing and active in hypnosis. That´s why I decided to visit Mrs. Ráchelová and instead of practicing hypnosis I rather asked her some questions.
Mrs. Ráchelová, let me start our interview with a question about an issue that hit my mind after reading just few lines of your book. Hypnosis is a very modern form of treatment. What brought you to practicing hypnosis and why did you decide to listen to a human soul?
First of all, Mr. Fritz, I would like to thank you sincerely for your decision bring the psychological method – hypnosis back to the fore and secondly for your real and visible interest in it.
If every man or woman who has some psychological or physical problem decides to reveal it so openly and with such an interest like you do and if he or she would be a client undoubtedly willing to cooperate with a therapist by hypnosis there would be much more healed and healthy people.
Hypnosis is quite an old psychological method – it has been known since 18th century, and it is very effective because it is aimed at finding a real cause of the problem, it deals with that, cleans, transforms and corrects either specific block in the soul incurred due to unpleasant situation the client had faced to in the past that settled in his subconscious mind or the change in the mind causing wrong attitude and opinion about world, situations he or she has been facing and which then creates negative energy that has been transformed into the psychical problem. Should that psychical problem not be treated, solved and transformed into positive energy, it starts to cause problems in the physical health level.
Should this phenomenal method – hypnosis not be misused by various shows or stories how somebody put other person into hypnosis and suggested him or her to be barking, yelling, beating himself or herself, to assign his or her property etc., people would not need to be worrying so much.
My first contact with the hypnosis was in the first year of my studying psychology at the university when we underwent one hypnosis therapy in person being professionally led and controlled by the psychology and while I was in hypnosis I realized many phenomenal things were happening to me that I decided to get deeper into it, research it, promote and most of all practice it. Anyway in that time nobody in Slovakia had been lecturing, practicing it and therefore I attended training courses in the Czech Republic, later I promoted it in Slovakia by organizing courses in hypnosis lectured by the Czech Lector with the 35 years of practice. Firstly I practiced that at my family and next of kin then the first clients cane and now it has been already 12 years.
In the past the hypnosis was considered to be a certain tool for manipulating with the human mind and consciousness, something what is not in accord with the medical procedures. What would you tell to those people who are still having doubts?
Well, obviously hypnosis can for certain time control the client´s mind during his or her therapeutic session or lying one but this is meant for the client´s sake and benefit. At the beginning when getting into hypnosis the therapist uses sentences like “Your mind is peaceful and relaxed. Your whole body is absolutely relaxed. You are safe. You let your thoughts fly freely…” By these sentences the client gets relaxed, however there must be trust between the client and the therapist in order client to get relaxed and let the therapist work with his or her soul/sub-consciousness. If there is a smoker and he or she wishes to get rid of smoking then when being in the relaxed state there are used suggestions (positive statements for the purpose of a positive result) like: “You don´t like the taste of the cigarette. Cigarette is something you do not need for your comfort and inner balance and harmony. You are in harmony and peace. This wonderful peace becomes your part. That peace is like the meadow full of flowers. Your mind is so wise and clever that it realizes how nice this feeling is and identifies with it….” or similar. However, hypnosis is a complex process and therefore I stated just the simplest and basic case and typical customary sentences. In general the purpose is the change in thinking, perception and feelings as well as successful outcome by the client.
Therefore I would like to address all people who are still having doubts and ask them to forget myths about the hypnosis, just come and meet with it either to heal or if there is nothing to be healed, resolved or change then just to get new energy, joy, strength and power for your body, soul and mind.
Currently the civilization diseases are getting into forefront as many people are suffering of them because of their facing to the problems, stress in work and exhaustion. What is the strength of the hypnosis and psychotherapist´s work in this case?
In general the people are permanently in hurry, overworking, under stress and still chasing something. Hypnosis is great because it helps the man to slow down to for body and organs common pace, to get new energy, eliminate cause of the problem. Nevertheless civilization diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, HIV or severe drug addiction belong to the doctors and medical treatment. In these cases the unhealed psychical burden is so severe that it has already seriously damaged the body and in such a case the body must be healed at first by the means of special medical treatment and when it is improved then the psychotherapy and also hypnosis can be applied.
Hypnosis however is very effective by civilization diseases like allergies, obesity, neural diseases (if being of psychological character and not of the physiological one), easy and medium form of the diabetes, initial form of the drug addictions because these are diseases mostly of the psychical character and their manifestation does not affect physical body in a serious range.
Peter Fritz
Photos: Renata Rachelova Archive